Open: October, 2023
Deadline: December 30th, 2023
Abstract guidelines
The Scientific Committee invites you to submit your latest and best results as an abstract for CSSC-12. All abstract authors have the option to apply for a poster or oral presentation. The abstract must be a single page document with the following format:
Paper size: A4.
Margins: 3.0 cm margins on all sides.
Font style: “Times New Roman” or” Times” is recommended.
Font size: 12 pt bold font is for the title and 10 pt normal font is for authors’ name(s), affiliation(s), e-mail address, main text, and references.
File format: pdf (max size 10 MB).
The template is available here.
Name your file as the Last name of the first author.pdf .
It is also offered the opportunity to publish in one of our partner journals. For publication, during abstract submission, authors should specify the journal of their preference: Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells or Micro and Nanostructures. In this case, in addition to the single-page abstract, an extended one of three pages should be also submitted.
Presentations guidelines
Duration of talks: 15 minutes (+ 5 min. to Q&A). Presentations have to be sent before the event as Powerpoint or PDF files to:
Posters should be in A0 format.
• Fundamental materials science related to crystalline silicon solar cells
• Silicon feedstock technologies
• Crystallization of multicrystalline, quasi-mono, monocrystalline silicon
• Advanced wire sawing and emerging kerfless technologies
• Novel materials and processing for advanced cell architecture
• Impact of silicon material to the performance of cell, module and PV system
• Degradation phenomena related to silicon materials on cell and module performance (e.g. LID, LeTID, PID, hotspot, etc.)
• Silicon-based heterojunction solar cells (e.g. perovskite, CdTe, CIGS on silicon)